Tech Tutorials

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What is an API?

A Singaporean Developer’s Perspective. If you’ve ever wondered how apps, websites, or systems magically talk to each other, congratulations — you’ve just stumbled into the nerdy world of APIs. Don’t worry, I’m here to hold your hand through this digital jungle. Before you start imagining APIs as a secret society of programmers in black hoodies, let me clear that up. No, it’s not like Hogwarts for geeks (though that would be cool). API stands for Application Programming Interface. Still confused? Thought so. Let me break it down.

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What is a Cookie?

Not the One You Eat! If you’ve ever browsed the web and wondered, “Why does this site seem to know me better than my best friend?” — you’ve just met cookies. Not the chocolate chip variety (though those are delicious too), but the tiny data packets that live in your browser. Let’s unwrap this digital mystery, shall we?

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How to add a Whatsapp button to a website

To add a WhatsApp button to your website, you can use the WhatsApp API link, which allows users to start a chat with a specified phone number directly from your site. Here's a step-by-step guide.

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